Why Washing and Grooming Should be Relished in the Summer

Washing and grooming is routine for us all to feel our best and function during our work life and downtime. During the cold, tiresome months of winter where by we lack energy from reduced exposure to sunlight, it can be hard to maintain motivation for the social custom. As the weather warms there is certainly a need to up your hygiene, but equally the summer season provides great pleasure in doing so. Here is a list of reasons why you should relish your regime this summer and how you can get the best out of it. 

Embrace the shower

As much as we love sun for gracing our skin with a glowing tan and pulling us out from seasonal lows, it can be harsh on the body. As you well know, the higher temperatures will increase perspiration, so regular rinsing is kid-stuff. But you have to be aware of how considerable the grease build up can be in your bodies crevices and locks. There is undoubtedly a need to be more thorough with your routine, whether that be adding a second dose of shampoo to cut through grease left behind, or choosing high quality washes such as our Neroli Hydrating Body Wash that will suitably clean as apposed to masking an odour.

Czech and Speake Neroli Hydrating Body Wash and Oxford Cambridge Hydrating Body Wash


Tackle the heat

In the height of summer, temperatures can become tedious, disrupting proactively and sleep. A cool shower can do a lot for you in these conditions. The chilled setting will reduce your body temperature which then sets a higher threshold for perspiration. As well as this, brisk water allows your skin to hold in moisture, which is crucial when faced with the dehydrating capacity of UV rays. It is also useful to use products designed to hydrate. Our multipurpose bath oils will emulsify water, producing a softening effect to your body, or will alternatively act as a moisturiser when applied directly to damp skin after showering. Another tip would be to take your cool shower before bed; it has been proven that we sleep better when our body temperature is on a decline.

Czech and Speake No.88 Moisturising Body and Bathing Oil 50ml and Neroli Moisturising Body and Bathing Oil 50ml


Seize your summer glow

When the sun’s out, so is your skimpier wardrobe consisting of shorts, vests and and sandals, worn to endless summer calendar events. In the harsh light of day, your body is faced with much more exposure than the latter part of the year, so it is important to keep up appearances and give time to those parts that have been neglected for some time. Your toe nails in particular will require some TLC after a long period of hibernation; our manicure sets are well kitted with all the tools you need to bring them up to scratch. But don’t fear the exposure, the sunny weather naturally instills a sense of self-confidence and feeling of attractiveness, through lifting our mood and providing skin with a healthier glow. The sun is an enhancer, so a spritz of your favourite scent will be lifted in the heat.

Czech and Speake Manicure Set in Blue and White and Villa Ausonia Eau De Parfum Spray 100ml


If you’d like to improve your regime for the summer weather, discover our hydrating bath & body collection and grooming range.

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